About Idea&d

Almost every company is looking for the next great product idea. It can mean the next step for your company.
This is especially true in the consumer retail business where a new product or line of products can support and grow your whole business.

Coming up with those ideas that eventually lead to succesful products often takes time and lots of effort. The best idea’s don’t just fall out of the sky although sometimes a “ding moment” will happen. Idea&d is an idea generating and product development company which brings ideas, concepts and products to live and,
most importantly, to market.

We develop, design and license consumer products to multiple channels including global brands and wholesale companies.
From product concept to market research, prototyping, functionality testing and marketing, We want our ideas, concepts and products to create value to our
clients and end users!

                     …and who is behind Idea&d?

                     Idea&d is an inventive powerhouse of +/- 1 person: Daniel; With 20+ years of experience in the consumer and household products                           industry. Still feeling the call within to dive into multiple idea’s and projects at the same time, as a wide range of (creative) interests                         pulls him in different directions. 

                     Over time Daniel has attracted an interesting cast of supporting characters, from marketing guru’s, designers, product engineers                             to astrologists. Insight can come from every angle..

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